Pioneering Distance Education through IP Video Conferencing
The Challenge
A significant challenge faced in education is ensuring continuous learning opportunities for students unable to attend physical classes due to various reasons. McNolia BV, based in Utrecht, Netherlands and working for Bednet, Belgium, sought to create a virtual classroom environment that not only simulates physical presence but also actively engages students in real-time learning interactions.
Technocrati was chosen to develop a comprehensive remote schooling solution that would closely replicate the traditional classroom experience. This project aimed to enable students to see and hear their teachers and classmates, participate in discussions, ask questions, and complete and submit assignments—all from the comfort of their homes.
Project Scope
Software Development: We utilized the Vidyo conferencing system, significantly modified to meet specific customer needs using the Vidyo API. This included adding features like self-view, desktop sharing, and both public and private chat functionalities.

Hardware Integration: Our solution supported IP cameras with far-end control, allowing for dynamic interaction within the virtual classroom. We also integrated functionalities for scanning and printing documents to facilitate the exchange of physical documents between students and schools.

User Interface Design: The interface was custom-designed based on the client's specifications to ensure ease of use and accessibility, enhancing the learning experience for students.
Technologies and Standards
Video Conferencing and Streaming: Utilization of the Vidyo API, gstreamer for H.264/MPEG4/MJPEG video streaming, and control of IP cameras via HTTP requests.
Document Management: Integration with school servers via XML RPC for configuration data and document exchanges, with scanner access through SANE and printer access through CUPS.
Development Environment: Our development was supported by Linux operating systems (Ubuntu and Debian), with C/C++ programming, and the Qt framework for user interface development.
Within just two months, our team of three developers successfully executed the project, writing 15 thousand lines of C++ code. The solution was rolled out in Belgian schools, where it has become a critical tool for facilitating distance learning, allowing students to actively participate in their education despite physical absences.
Benefits for the Customer
The remote schooling system developed by Technocrati has not only met but exceeded the expectations of McNolia BV and Bednet. It has provided them with a robust and reliable platform that enhances their educational offerings and supports inclusivity. By enabling an effective and interactive learning environment, this solution helps maintain educational continuity for students facing challenges that prevent them from attending school in person. This success has positioned Technocrati as a leader in educational technology solutions, demonstrating our capability to deliver specialized and impactful technology solutions in the education sector.