Enhancing Security with Smart Sensor Alarm System
The Challenge
An innovative IT startup based in the USA sought to revolutionize the security industry by creating a cutting-edge "Internet of Things" (IoT) system. The envisioned system was to employ compact "smart" sensors attached to various objects, such as vehicles, artworks, and vending machines, allowing for real-time monitoring of their status and location. The startup faced the complex challenge of developing a robust, responsive, and energy-efficient system that could reliably function both indoors and outdoors.
Technocrati took on the challenge, employing its expertise in IoT system development to build a comprehensive solution from the ground up. Our role encompassed the design and implementation of the entire ecosystem, including the sensors with stand-alone power systems, server infrastructure for data exchange, web applications for tracking, and mobile applications for user interaction.
Project Scope
Sensor Development: Implementation of sensors equipped with GPS/GPRS modules, accelerometers, and battery level sensors, all controlled by Microchip PIC16LF1938 controllers.

Software Enhancement: Addition of MQTT protocol control capabilities to the device firmware, leveraging the built-in TCP stack. Refactoring of firmware to incorporate new functionalities within the limited memory of the microcontrollers.

Energy Efficiency: Introduction of energy-saving modes that extended the device's operational life to up to a month on a 300 mAh battery, with reactive capabilities to movement signals from the accelerometer.

Server and Web Application: Development of server-side processing in Java (Spring Framework) with a microservices architecture. Implementation of MQTT message processing using RabbitMQ, with deployment on Heroku and integration of existing C# backend code into Microsoft Azure.

Mobile Application Development: Creation of a native Android app based on customer specifications for device control, featuring JSON/REST data exchanges with the server.
Technologies Used
The project leveraged advanced technologies including Microsoft Azure, Heroku, Java (Spring Framework), C#, RabbitMQ, MQTT, and the HPE IoT Platform. This blend of technologies ensured a robust, scalable, and highly functional system.
The project spanned 1 year, with a dedicated team of 2-4 developers, and culminated in a sophisticated security solution that significantly enhanced the capability of users to monitor and protect their valuable assets. The system's success was showcased in presentations to major stakeholders like AT&T Mexico and at prominent industry events such as the Mobile World Congress 2017 in Barcelona.
Benefits for the Customer
This project positioned the startup at the forefront of the IoT and security industries, enabling them to offer a unique product that combines high technological competence with exceptional user-friendliness. The system not only meets the current market needs but sets a new standard in the security monitoring field. Through Technocrati’s comprehensive development efforts, the customer has achieved substantial market recognition and is well-equipped for future expansions and innovations in smart security solutions.